Your one-page profile quickly tells people what matters most to you, and how they can best help. It’s useful at work, at home, in hospital – anywhere, really!
What happens on a good day? How can you make sure that you have more good days than bad days?
If you’re struggling to make a decision or think about a problem, this tool can help you clarify the issue and know what to do.
With this tool you look at how different people in your life can help, from taking you to an appointment to making you laugh on a bad day.
Do you ever wish people could read your mind? Or know when to back off, and when to give you a hug? Use this tool to tell people what you really mean.
Each of us has a different way of solving problems and facing challenges. This tool helps you see your own strengths so that you can decide on a course of action that suits you.
At difficult times, decisions can overwhelm us. This tool helps you to sort out what you need to decide, who can help, and what to do next.
When we don’t know what lies ahead we can feel engulfed by our hopes or fears. This tool helps you to think about what you’re experiencing and to take some action.
What help do you need to get you through each day? Use this tool to match people to tasks, so that you can focus on what matters.
If your life has changed dramatically you might need to make new connections and find new people and resources to support you. This tool helps you to research and map them out.
When you’ve got a problem – whether it’s how to talk to your boss, or sort out your money – this tool helps you learn from what you’ve tried and find a way ahead.
What can you do to stay as healthy as possible, and what help do you need? Use this tool to look at regular days, bad days and crisis days and make a plan.
As you’ve used the other thinking tools, you’ve no doubt made some decisions about changes you’d like to make. Here’s where you write down how you’ll make them happen.
As you work though the thinking tools, ideas will come to you for changes you’d like to make in your life. Write them down here so you have them all in one place.